In the first 3-parts of our simple room/environment tutorial we covered how to use BSP brushes to create a simple room.
We will now cover how to use static meshes that come with UDK.
Two videos are included in this tutorial. First covers the basics of using static meshes, second shows the workflow.
In the following tutorial, you will learn:
You can access all the static meshes that come with UDK by using Content Browser to look through what is available.
Click on Content Browser Icon:
Make sure that you click on Object Type: Static Meshes. This will allow you to only browse through static meshes within UDK.
You may browse through each package. This will search package names:
You can search at the very top of the content browser through available static meshes. This will search static mesh names.
Here is a full screenshot of important areas in Content Browser for static meshes:
Ideally you want to create your own static meshes using a 3d software, for example such as 3dsMax, Maya or Blender. But when you are learning how to use UDK, static meshes that are available to you are enough for right now.
We will cover how to create custom static meshes in later tutorials.
While in the content browser, if you double click on a static mesh, preview and options window will pop up. There are various options you can look through for that static mesh, as well as get a better view of the model.
While having the content browser open, select the static mesh you want to use and simply Left Click and Drag into the perspective viewport. This will place the selected static mesh into your environment.
Shortcut: S + Left Mouse Click = in Perspective viewport will place selected mesh from the Content Browser.
Shortcut: W = hide/show static meshes inside selected viewport
Shortcut: End = drop the static mesh down to the ground plane
Few ways to scale static meshes.
First is to use the transformation gizmo.
Select the static mesh, press Spacebar key until you get scale gizmo, and resize your static mesh.
Important: do not use this method if you are going to use your static meshes in modular way. Meaning that you will have multiple static meshes snapped together to form another object. For example a building with multiple floors. Each floor is a static mesh. If you use the Spacebar scale gizmo, this will move your static mesh off the grid.
Keep you modular static meshes on the grid.
If it is a stand alone static mesh, not going to be used in modular fashion, scale away using Spacebar scale gizmo.
Second way is to use bottom toolbar, xyz transformation.
First value is xyz, next three values are x, y and z individually.
After placing a static mesh into your scene, if you double click on it or select it and click F4, Static Mesh Actor Properties will open up.
This gives you options how the static mesh will behave and look in the scene.
Select the static mesh, hold down Alt + Left Click Drag = Duplicate.
Shortcut: Alt + Left Click Drag = Duplicate Static Mesh
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