Part 5 covers:
Maya Exporter Installation
Setting Up Units
What you need to know before exporting
DDS Plugin
Material file creation
Setting LODs
CoJ2 Bound in Blood Video Notes:
Download Maya Exporter for Maya 2009 (link is no longer active)
Install the Exporter
Place: ChromeExporter and userSetup
Into MyDocuments\maya\2009\scripts
Place: AnimConverter and chromeAnimexport.mll and chromemeshexport.mll
Into Maya2009 Installation Folder\bin\plug-ins
Launch Maya2009 and you should see Chrome pull-down menu
Set up proper units inside Maya. ChromEd uses centimeters.
Window --> Settings/Preferences --> Preferences
Under Settings/Working Units change it to centimeters
Before Exporting from Maya make sure to:
Proper Scale
Name: name your object objectname_0
0-3 = level of detail (LOD) that gets rendered
Create a simple collision for your object and name it collisionhull_0
This collisionhull_0 has to be placed in the same space as your objectname_0
(in the 0, 0, 0) - not shown below
UV your model and make sure no UVs intersect.
Triangulate all of your models. Select all of your models and go to
Mesh --> Triangulate
Delete History on all of your objects
Parent your collisionhull_0 to your objectname_0
Position your collisionhull_0 and objectname_0-3 at 0, 0, 0
Select everything except collisionhull_0
Chrome --> Export Mesh
Select Detect lods and set Mesh scale to 1.000
Hit Export selected objects
Save it as the same name of your object without the _0
Place the custom exported object into your maps directory. You can create subfolders if you want. Model browser will be able to read into any subfolders you create.
Photoshop DDS Plug-in: Creates DDS textures.
Material Files:
You need to create the following material files. Use notepad to create them. Make sure that .mat file gets two breaking spaces after the last }. Just press enter twice.
Skin("Custom Crate")
Replace("customcrate.mat", "customcrate.mat")
ReplaceSurface("Wood", "", "")
import "templates.mtt"
sub material()
use mtt_objects(
s_clr = "",
s_nrm = "",
s_shn = "",
f_shn_factor = 1.0,
f_nrm_factor = 1.0);
Place the custom exported objects and all of your textures and materials into your maps directory. You can create subfolders if you want. Model browser will be able to read into any subfolders you create.
Create a 96x96 png file named objectname_prvw.png
This is a preview that will show up in your model browser
Go to your model browser in ChromEd and under All, navigate into your map folder for your custom object. Place it into your map.
To set LOD distance at which our custom lods get switched over. In ChromEd go to
View --> Other Windows --> Mesh visibility params
Find your object and set LODs. Object must be placed into your map for this to work.
Call of Juarez 2: Bound in Blood Level Design Tutorial List
- Installing Tools. File Structure of Custom Maps,Support
- Interface and Navigation Advanced Mode
- Creating the Initial Environment
- Bonus: Terrain Workflow
- Adding Objects and Environment Props
- Custom Objects: Maya to ChromEd
- Adding Roads and Working with Terrain
- Detailing and Using Brushes
- AI, Waypoints, Fightnodes
- AI Sensors, Action Chains
- AI Scripts and Triggers
- AI Behaviors and Actions Overview
- Setting up Objectives
- Setting up Objectives and Quests
- Item Types
- Optimization and Class Types
- Publishing a Map and Release
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